B2B, B2C online business for Dynamics GP notes for IT and advisor

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In the event that you are counseling, or programming for online business arranged organization, or you work in Information Technology office, and the association has Microsoft Dynamics GP, some time ago known as Great Plains Dynamics ERP executed and now you are looking to either actualize web based business from scratches or coordinate existing web based business B2B or B2C application, this article is for you.

Above all else, you should consider situation to pick online business item, of construct web based business site inside or program it with programming advancement accomplice firm. As we would like to think, if your are little internet business channel affiliate, at that point you should adhere to your franchisor online business suggestion: eBay, and so forth. In any case, on the off chance that you are endeavoring to fire up new innovation offering business with internet business accentuation, and you have backing capital - you may find that your web based business necessities are excessively one of a kind and existing shopping basket/web based business items are excessively basic, making it impossible to accommodate your business - the you consider amass web based business in Microsoft Visual Studio C# or VB.Net web venture (acquiring online business libraries or SDK from confided in web based business sellers).

B2B, B2C online business for Dynamics GP notes for IT and advisor

On the off chance that you are vast organization, you ought to get your work done as the last answer relies upon different components. Once more, as we would see it, web based business as of now isn't prepared to be considered as basic decision, it is somewhat meticulous procedure of determination, reselection, usage and reimplementation:

1. Elements GP Business Portal with Order Management Module. Here you are working with existing Great Plains organization Inventory things, and you make arranges that end up in GP SOP tables: SOP10100 and SOP10200. You can have dynamic inventory, which is outside of GP - in isolated BP Catalog tables in your Company database. In B2B situation, you have BP module Electronic Document Delivery which empowers Sales and different kinds of records messaging to your colleagues. Outside of web based business, in the event that you have to save money on Payroll stub postage, you can execute HR worker self administration (accepting that you are sending GP Payroll module). You should survey Business Portal and on the off chance that it accommodates your prerequisites, impeccable, we are glad to offer and actualize it for you. A few comments we got notification from our clients and prospects - Dynamics GP Business Portal isn't exceptionally adaptable in customizations, other than shading construction and pictures or logos transferring. We may concur and can't help contradicting these remarks, as you ought to presumably be more open to embrace the innovation of things to come, as Microsoft is likely extremely dedicated to its Dynamics items Business Portals. Great precedent is Microsoft CRM SDK, where in the underlying variants 1.2 and 3.0 you had moderate customization interface and limited programmability and now with CRM SDK 4.0 you can practically do whatever you like as software engineer. We trust that Business Portal for Great Plains Dynamics GP will enhance drastically in the short future and outsider internet business additional items will have hard time to rival it, anyway until further notice you may choose to execute outsiders, as they are a few stages in front of Dynamics Business Portal

2. Alright, now to outsider modules, for example, Alba Spectrum Order Connector, Posting Sever or Autopost. Right now we are propelling various online business GP devoted items, in certainty by repackaging our previous adjustable answers for end up out of rack sort of items, in addition to we are growing our Microsoft Dynamics GP internet business Software Development Factory. We accept that you previously researched on the opposition. In B2C situations, we prescribe you to consider our Order Connector item - it is for improved web based business incorporation to Dynamics GP SOP module: Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, Returns. We are composing these lines in August 2009, and we are in exceptionally quick advancement, so for current offering, it would be ideal if you visit our site or call our office

3. Coordinate eConnect programming. In the event that you have C#, or VB.Net programming engineers in stuff, we suggest this bearing. In the event that your internet business web application is coded in house, at that point you ought to have finish control with eConnect SDK programming. We don't examine in this article particular eConnect objects, anyway you ought to expect as coder sensible nature with Dynamics GP tables structure and protest demonstrate. On the off chance that you feel that you require extra help, if it's not too much trouble introduce Dynamics GP SDK from GP 10.0 CD #2. Discussing eConnect for GP forms 10.0 and even 9.0 we heard generally positive feelings from outsider software engineers, Dynamics GP ISV and experts

4. Incredible Plains Integration Manager. On the off chance that you approve of Great Plains activity started mix, or in cutting edge IM situation with booked incorporation, this methodology is worth to consider, as IM is reworked in eConnect for GP 10.0. On the off chance that you are on more seasoned adaptation of Great Plains, IM requires OLE Server to keep running in incorporating time, implying that you need to expend open Great Plains User License if GP workstation is running all day, every day

5. Extraordinary Plains Dexterity in eCommerce coding. Dex is introductory engineering of Great Plains Dynamics. This improvement device has no restrictions in including new or adjusting existing article in Great Plains. Truth be told we utilize Dexterity Source Code programming to build up our items, that broaden eConnect confinements, (for example, posting GP groups specifically from web based business applications)

6. Internet business for more established Great Plains Versions. eConnect is as we would like to think dependable for Dynamics GP 10.0 and in the greater part of the territories for 9.0. On the off chance that you are on more established variants of Dynamics GP Great Plains or eEnterprise: 8.0, 7.5, 7.0, 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.0, 3.2 or Great Plains Accounting for DOS, Windows or MAC, it would be ideal if you consider move up to Dynamics GP 10.0. On the off chance that overhaul is surpassing your financial plan, and on the off chance that you are as of now on Dynamics GP on SQL Server 2000 or 2005, we are prepared to assist you with Order Connector item

7. Non Microsoft web based business stage. In the event that you are on Linux, Oracle, DBII, PHP stage, if it's not too much trouble survey ODBC associations choices to Microsoft SQL Server, where Dynamics GP is facilitated. On the off chance that you are agreeable to make and bolster these associations (counting JDBCODBC spans), at that point we can assist you with integrating you online business application with Dynamics GP.


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